There is too much endeavor put in all of our crafted furniture. We start everything by getting in touch with the best suppliers available. They are responsible for providing us with top-notch materials to support our reputation as furniture manufacturers. They understand and know exactly what kind of resources it is we need and require.
We then discuss the actual process that goes into the materials we have available. We take time planning and considering the right cut required. We understand how precious these resources are, and we want to ensure these are utilized in hardly any wastage.
When creating our pieces, we sort more than enough time choosing the right timber that will go through the design requirement. We are cautious and highly extensive when it comes to the process as we want to maintain a balanced burr. This will equate to carefully selecting planks to ensure that we achieve the decor appearance we are aiming for.
Once the right timber has been chosen, we spend time fashioning it into an initially specified shape. We polish it, and we do consume an undeniable amount of time to even out the textures as well as perfect down the item to its core. We also don’t forget to consider other elements when working with a piece, such as the furniture’s responsiveness in varied natural conditions like humidity and temperature change.
After this stage is done, we let our Polishers take it from there. We entrust everything to their talents. They will enhance and bring the best out of the wood we crafted. Their enhancement would usually vary with the desired outcome, but this process usually involves considerable time working with natural pigment lumbers, wax, stains, oils, and other equipment.